Twenty seven students from the Seventh Grade participated in the
NYS Earth Day Celebration Contest.
They designed an Earth Day themed banner----over 75 feet long!---to wrap
one of the trees at St. Augustine School.
The students submitted photos of their project to the NYS contest and received commendation certificates and a note from Senator Harckham's office.
Well done everyone!!
Thank you to Mrs. Timko, their art teacher, for facilitating
the students participation in the
Earth Day Celebration 2023!
Sophia Lombardi • Aiden Rosa • Tristan Lynch • James Rosensteel • Emily Mirabella • Isabella Sagatelian-Ortiz
Chloe Monahan • Sofia Sagatelian-Ortiz • Ines Moreno • Alexander Schiller • Ava Muraca • Cecelia Sclafani
Andrew O' Reilly • Luke Sosa • Lia Pallogudis • Stephanie Stibler • Ella Panzanaro • Declan Toth-Jamison
Cara Perez • Connor Traver • Marco Radeljic • Sophia Ventura • Vincent Ragaini • Vivien Wallace
Karen Reed • Elizabeth Zuluaga • Liana Richards
From Senator Harckam's office---
Dear Students,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the New York State Senate’s Earth Day Poster Celebration. This year we received many outstanding posters that exemplify the creativity of the young people in the 40th Senatorial District.
Each entry from my District displayed tremendous originality and vision as well as obvious concern for the ecological future of our communities and our state. I am proud of your work and that of your classmates, and encourage you to continue to study and learn more about the serious challenges that face our environment.
And I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Celebration. I also want to thank your family and give special thanks to your teachers, whose dedication and involvement in this event provided the encouragement for you to be creative and participate in the Earth Day Poster Celebration.
Pete Harckham
The first Social Studies Fair in 3 years was held on March 8th. Students chose their topics, did their research, developed their trifold presentation, and designed their costumes as if they were the people in history that they researched. They presented their research papers several times over to a variety of impartial judges who scored them according to various factors, including how they could answer the judges queries on their chosen topic, their presentation skills, and the breadth of their research.
Congratulations to all involved for an AMAZING FAIR!!
Winners as noted below and photos from the presentation day.
7th Grade Winners:
1st Place--The Apollo 11 Moon Landing--Elizabeth Cerulli, Luke Sosa, Aiden Clemente, Alex Fabian, Karen Reed.
2nd Place--The Challenger--Christopher Alexander, Aiden Rosa, Declan Toth-Jamieson, Henry Arcadipane
3rd Place--The Soviet Union--Logan Matinez, Connor Traver, Ian Escobar
4th Place--All American Girls Professional Baseball League-Reagan Gardiner, Sofia Monahan, Cecelia Sclafani, Stella Hua
5th Place--Bubonic Plague--Stephanie Stibler
6th Grade Winners:
1st Place--Operation Overlord--Bennett Kneis, Ryan Wang, Kente Fuji
2nd Place-TIE--Pompeii--Lochlan McLean, Vincent D'Eramo, Jacob Shanley, TJ Munchoff.
2nd Place-TIE--D-Day--Celeste Mignone, Alanni Smith, Amy Prashad
3rd Place-The Olympics--Alejandro Jarl, Stella Sullivan, Emily Marts
4th Place--Concentration Camps-Annie Rick, Gia Severo, Abigail Weaver.
5th Place-TIE--The Roaring Twenties-Natalie Stephan, Lake Sohali, Emma Catucci, Khloe Deveaux
5th Place TIE-Angel Island and Ellis Island--Tierney Toth-Jamieson. Kateyn O'Reilly