Dear St Augustine Families
The Second Quarter Ends on Friday Jan 28th.
Report Cards will be released thru TADS on Feb 4th for Grades K – 8
First Semester PreK Report Cards will be distributed on February 4th. Please note, these are paper report cards, only for the PreK students, and are not digital report cards as for the older students on TADS.
REMINDER---your payment for all Technology Fees must be made prior to Feb 4th to be able to view Report Cards. If you already paid your fee back in September, nothing more needs to be done.
There is currently a Parent access block to Grades and Report Cards thru Feb 4th - Assignments may be viewed. This is in effect while Teachers are calculating Mid Terms and Second Quarter grades. Thank you for your patience.
If your TADS Password has expired please email lstangle@
Intention Forms – If you have not yet returned your Intention to Return in September please do so as soon as possible. We are in the midst of Registration for New Students and formulating classes for September.
In addition we need that authorization to order books for your children from your resident District. If you have moved or changed emails please make sure you let the school office know! Simply update your Family Emergency Contact Sheet – Forms are available on the website. Click on the "Forms" link under "For Parents"
Thank you and stay safe!