Please note that the Home & School Board will be holding a used Uniform sale on Sunday, April 3, 2022. From 10-1pm, in the front of the school. They will have new and used uniforms, NUT cards and Gift for details!
Each year we are required to have Families update their Emergency Contact Forms. This official document is a very important tool for the School and Health Office to be able to reach parents/ guardians regarding their children. Additionally, this data is also used for TADS and IRIS alerts. Be sure to indicate if you have a new address, new school district, have changed cell phones or email addresses. It is CRITICAL that you fill out the form with the MOST CURRENT and ACCURATE info and return it to the School Office ASAP!! Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Click for the form, then please send via email to [email protected]
Please see attached Milk Form for the 4th quarter. This must be filled out and submitted to the office with your check or cash in order for your child to receive milk for the 4th quarter of school. If you already have a form on file and have paid through to the end of the year, you don't need to do anything more. The form is just for those families who are ordering and paying by quarter. Thank you!
Please read the attached letter from Sister Mary Elizabeth regarding the School Uniform Policy. By March 21, 2022 all students are expected to come to school in the proper uniform. Click for details. Thank You
Our 2022 Couples’ Night Out is just around the corner this Spring! This year the fun will include basket raffles, a 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction. We need your help! We are requesting your assistance to help offset the continuing operating costs that we have incurred without the support of our larger fundraisers. Please consider contributing to the Couples’ Night Out Auction. Any new item which you, or your company, are able to donate, will help to make this year’s Couples’ Night Out another huge success. All donations need to be received by the Home & School Board no later than April 15, 2022. Please click to read full details & Thank You!
As we begin the season of Lent, so too do we begin Catholic Schools third annual #IPrayed social media initiative. Our Archbishop, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, who tells you more about #IPrayed in the above video message. As His Eminence indicates, the idea is simple and the message is priceless: any time anyone–a student, their class, school, or family member–says a prayer, simply post to Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook with the hashtag, #IPrayed. Please be sure to tag your school and our collective social media feeds @ArchNY_Schools. With best wishes for a blessed Lent, The Office of the Superintendent of Schools
Dear St Augustine Parents, As you know this past Sunday our Archdiocese of New York Superintendent Michael Deegan Announced that as of tomorrow Wednesday March 2nd the wearing of masks by students and adults in our school system is recommended but NOT REQUIRED. While we encourage the wearing of masks we respect the choices of each parent and staff member. Please have a conversation with your child/children as to your parental decision regarding the wearing of a mask. Wishing you all a prayerful Lenten Season, Sr Mary Elizabeth Donoghue, OP Principal