St. Augustine School is pleased to provide an Extended Day Program, or After Care, for our students. The program begins at 2:30pm and ends sharply at 5:30 pm. After Care is not held on half days, unless noted otherwise on the calendar. Payments for this program may be made either daily, weekly or monthly. Payment by check is recommended. All required forms and payment will be processed through the School Office. Please click on the link above to fill out the form and return it with your check to Leone Stangle in the school office.
The Aftercare Program is held in the School. On days when the weather is nice, the children go to the New Playground for the afternoon after having their snack in the cafeteria.
Please drive around to the rear of the school to the playground for Pick Up.
If the weather is bad, they will stay in the school, either in the cafeteria or the gym. Pick up will be at the cafeteria door in the front of the school.
Pick-up is no later than 5:30pm, PLEASE!