Chess Club meets every Wednesday in the Music Room with Mr. Gallagher. Chess begins in October from 2:30-3:30pm see schedule below.
Chess is paid for online for each session your child would like to attend. See schedule below.Why Chess?
*Chess is the oldest and the most challenging of games, and is showing remarkable results as a teaching tool for young students. The reasons for this are because chess:
* involves various levels of critical thinking which apply to all intellectual endeavors (knowledge, comprehension, reasoning, analysis, and evaluation);
* requires forethought and cultivates visualization skills;
* encourages children to overcome fear of risk-taking;
* teaches concentration and self-discipline;
* encourages children to assume responsibility for their decisions;
* rewards determination and perseverance;
* increases self-esteem and promotes good sportsmanship;
* encourages social skills that transcends culture and generations;
*All children can succeed at chess! Even children who do not perform well academically are often inspired by chess and show an improved attitude toward learning. Time and time again exposure to chess can transform young minds.
When & Where: Every WEDNESDAY 2:30-3:30 in the Music Room
All Chess students are allowed to have a small afternoon drink and snack before class begins.